It was 6:30 when I got on my motorcycle to begin riding the 20 min to the Papillion restaurant where we meet with a number of pastors for our monthly prayer breakfast. This is the 6th month we’ve sponsored the event, thanks to a generous gift from Missionary Ventures, Canada. Every second Saturday in the morning all the local pastors of the three nearest towns (United Colonies) are invited to fellowship, eat breakfast and pray.
This morning was special. Since the Rotary Club had to use our normal room, we met in the back yard, by the swimming pool. We had the yard to ourselves, very close to nature. The early morning birds were chirping, a late summer breeze was passing by...The air was pure; it was a great time to meet and pray.
One of the older pastors shared a few testimonies, we laugh and the prayed. At one point in the prayer, pastor Pedro asked us to join hands in a circle and for one moment time stood still. His words were,
“Father speak to us, allow us to reach the lost, help us in the midst of struggles, apathy and lack of unity.”He was holding his tears back. We all knew that a very special spiritual connection had just taken place. One of those moments in your life when you forget that there are different denominations and you feel connected with God and privileged to be a child of God.
I told Julie it was a moment when we forgot that we were pastoring different congregations and singing different songs. It was a moment when in unity we were talking to God as ONE. I was blessed. I believe it was a breakthrough; it’s the beginning of something beautiful in the Colonias Unidas, (United Colonies). But it’s just the beginning.
All this happened before we got to the breakfast, the ham, yogurt, the cheese, and the Brazilian coffee. God is present in Colonias Unidas, Paraguay. This morning he gave us a glimpse of His presence in a special way.
As I rode my motorcycle back home two hours later, I thought,
“God, this is exactly what you want from us. A people, worshiping one God, against one enemy with one purpose. Help us God and forgive us for our critical eye and judging spirit.”Jesus in John 17:21 said, “That all of them be one, Father just as you are in me and I am in you.” May we all grow and continue to focus on our united purpose.
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