The CMA team arrived on Sunday and because their plane was late, we headed straight to the church to dedicate their first motorcycle. Talk about starting out with a bang! Web CMA Nov 2008 047 They presented themselves and Evangelist Rick Steffy preached on the Fruit of the Spirit. They dedicated the motorcycle used by Pastor Roa. He and his family are delighted with this great ministry tool.
On Monday we went to the ACHE Indian community and saw how the motorcycle is being used. We heard missionary Bjarne Fostervold share how they went into the woods to try and make contact with the Ache in the 70s. It was a tedious task, but they finally captured their hearts and now, 32 years later, Bjarne and his family are still living and serving the Ache. W toured the village and we prayed with a sick woman and the children sang us songs.
We met the chief’s wife, Juliana, (pictured with me) who’s life was saved by the grace of God. She is a woman full of joy and it's always a blessing to reunite with her!
The donated motorcycle is being used by the Bible translation team, that has finished the Gospels and is now working on the book of Acts.
At the end of our visit, we met the village pastor, Timoteo (pictured below in the yellow shirt), who shared his heart with us. (Bjarne is to his left).
Today and tomorrow the team will be working to prepare the radio station for the 10th anniversary celebration in January. We will dedicate another motorcycle tonight and tomorrow night as well.
We appreciate your prayers for the ACHE, Bjarne, and the CMA team, for safety, for the forming of a special partnership between CMA and Paraguay and for lives to be changed and impacted by the Holy Spirit.
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