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Showing posts from July, 2022

Warsaw Church of God Camp

On July 10th we checked into the Warsaw Church of God campgrounds. The experience was outstanding, refilling  We shared during their mission sessions in the afternoon We spoke to people everytime we had a chance We had the opportunity to share during one of the services The evangelist for this retreat was Rev Mitch  Burg, who challenged believers to getting back to the life in teh spirit and to faith. I specifically liked one of the concept he drilled during one of his sermons. We need to discover our sixt sense, that being ' our faith. Without it we are lost in a world that worships sensorial experiences These campgrounds have a sacred feel. They draw people from all ages and backgrounds. For some it is a spiritual pilgrimage, for others a vacation, for others its a serious game changer. No matter the motivation, Camp Warsaw captures you. It envolved you in a sense and separates you from the noise of the world. Its definitely a ground zero, reset type life experience.  C...

On american soil after three years

Since we last visited our friends in the USA, three years have gone by. First came covid, Covid shut us all down for what seemed forever. Then came a scorching drout which killed crops and even trees in Paraguay and parts of Argentina. With these events our economies faced inflation, and higher gas prices. And for the past few months the war between Russia and Ukraine made the world very uncomfortable. The political situation in the US is also under turmoil. As we have been reconnecting face to face, we all look like survivors from some final armagedon battles. Sitting down without a face mask and enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend is now a big deal. Personally I have come to appreciate these moments. Being alive after covid is a blessing in itself, and a priviledge.  We are currently on our home assigment, also called furlogh. We have been on the road for a few weeks. Driving the US roads is always a treat. I say treat, because as a general rule, people in the US follow s...