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Showing posts from May, 2022

CMA PARAGUAY, 5th National Rally

Over the weekend of April 29th -30th 2022 in Campo 9, state of Caaguazu Paraguay, we were part of the 5th CMA national rally.  When CMA started back in 2006, we never thought it would become a national force to grab the attention of Paraguayan bikers with a passion for God and big engines. But it did, and today I see how God can use crazy projects, and dreamers like  Herb Shreve (founder)  to accomplish his purposes.  The theme for this weekend was RESET . After covid-19 and all the uncertainties around the world, we are living a change of paradigm on how to do things, what to expect and how to operate in this digital, fast changing world.  I was invited to share  a word, during a sessions at the rally.  Jesus himself a master reset pioneer. He challenged the thinking of contemporary Jews. He would confront the status quo, fulfill scripture  by being faithful to the prophets, yet contextual to the needs of the people. He always dealt with the hear...

More healing - A decade later

Many of you know the story of my accident. Ten years ago this month, I was driving when our family hit a parked truck on the highway. The truck had run out of fuel and never really got off the road. The back end was sticking out about six feet on the two-lane highway. That fatal morning the truck driver, Marcelo (*), was unloading some of his goods when we impacted his vehicle.  One of the things that made this accident so fatal, with little chance of survival, was the oncoming traffic, which blinded our vehicle. On top of that, that morning the fog was so dense that you could not see much of anything.  For months, if not years, after the accident, I did not want to have anything to do with Marcelo. I did not want to hear his name or see him. The last time I saw him was in August 2012, in a court hearing, when I won the case against me and the case against Marcelo was dismissed with certain conditions. Over the past couple of years, however, I started to think about Marce...