This past March 14th Marcos turned 21. He has grown into a young man. We celebrated with cake at home. We sang happy birthday in spanish, english and german and half the song in guarani. Marcos is usually more quiet and reserved, not one that likes to be noise or loud. He lost his dad when he was 11 years old. His dad was a heroe whom Marcos admired. His father with whom he had learned to drive the tractor and play ball was suddenly gone - thats ten years ago. His life changed in one afternoon when his father Esteban lost his life in a work accident. Four years later, I came into the picture and for some reason, God wanted me in Marcos story and my story to be affected by Marcos. I know healing takes differently in each one of us. Our boy has come a long way. Turning 21 is a major stepping stone into the adult world. We all are always looking up to heroes and people that inspire us. In a small way, I want to be Marcos hero. And we will continue celebrating and finding new markers ...
A NEW BEGINNING. Starting over.