Happy Birthday, Anahi: Part Three Anahi continues to grow and mature into an incredible girl. She is learning to read and write. She actually knows all her letters and reads easy words. She has also been taking violin classes for the past few months. She loves to jump with the music; at church she claps and follows along with the singing with great rhythm. Anahi also makes friends very quickly. I often find myself staring at her and wondering what God has in mind for my girl. Why has God chosen me, this family, this home, to be her community of love and support? At night when I put her to bed, I thank God for his love and mercy and for bringing Anahi first into my life, and now into Nancy's life. Anahi is finding her way in our new family. Although she struggles with the normal sibling rivalry, as time passes her connection with Nicole and Mark and Nancy is growing stronger. God is the only one that can truly bond our lives together. This morning I looked at some p...
A NEW BEGINNING. Starting over.